Opinion Essay- Alba Vigo!

Charity work should not be needed today, people should look after themselves.

First of all, the title is ok for me, which I do not know the author, saying that people should look after themselves, but I disagree when say that charity work should not be needed today.
About the sentence that people should look after themselves I totally agree because we do not need nothing from other people, we leave in a rich part of world, but in other parts of the world are plants o people living in real poverty and we do not realize which this situation and if we help even if it is recycling, we help with our way of life.
The second sentence, I disagree when it says that charity work should not be needed today because if they do not exist the world would be worse than the actuality and people would die without help. It is very sad that they must depend on an NGO’s and politics do not do nothing in front of this serious condition.
In conclusion, I agree with second part because it is really needed for the society and I disagree with first part of the sentence.


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