Dialogue - Alan Pons

It's 10 at night, two friends are talking in a restaurant. They has paid to the waiter, but still in the table talking. Matthew is the one who have dark hair. He is a funny guy. Steve, whose hair is blond, continues the conversacion.

Steve: Well, as I was saying, I think that buy movies is not the only way to watch them.
Matthew: Oh... I understand what are you talking about. I'm sorry, but I don't like movie rental, it's better if you pay a bit more and get the movie for ever. I can't understand people that say: Oh I'm better than you becouse I rent the...
Steve: No! I'm talking about download movies! Who rent movies in 2019? You should use Megadede or webs like that to view online movies completely free.
Matthew: Are you crazy? This might be illegal!

Steve: Download movies is not illegal. Upload movies in websites is illegal.
Matthew: But... but what about the advertisting? This websites can be full of virus that destroy our computer.
Steve: Not really. If you visit websites that you know are safe and you ignore the advertising that appear in the screen, you can see online movies or download it in safe.
Matthew: You... You are crazy!

In this moment, Matthew gets up and run away of the place screaming. Steve looks him and sighs.


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