Opinion essay (Lluís Vaz)

Write an opinion essay with the title: "Charity work should not be needed today, people should look after themselves". I hesitate about arguing in favor or against the statement, so, I've chosen to modify it to Charity work should provide people with resources to look after themselves.

Actually, charity work is often giving poor people some food to eat, or a place to live where they can be safe. I think that is not a good way. For me, the good way is to help that people, for example, providing them a job where they could earn money by themselves.

Another aspect is charity work in countries that haven't got the possibility of producing money. As an example, a country that is suffering a war. In that case, the help would come in a way of resources and money for them to try to be self-producing money.

As a conclusion, I would say that help must improve live people by giving resources to develop and not only resources for surving one more day in these planet.


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